

Below are several resources to aid those that attend Massena Baptist Church in their purity and daily encouragement. If you would like access to any of these resources then reach out to the church office or call pastor Josh. They are free to those that will use them. Our goal is to encourage believers to grow closer into the image of Christ and to know Him personally.

Addictions of all sorts can damage relationships, and also your walk with the Lord. One area of heavy influence in people’s lives is pornography. If you would like counseling or resources to implement in your home please reach out to the church office or Pastor Josh. This resource can be accessed freely to those willing to use it in their home.

These daily devotionals are available to aid you in regular encouragement throughout the year. All three reflect on the Word of God and can be a good starting point for those looking to begin getting into God’s Word each day. If you would like any of these devotional books then please reach out to the church office or Pastor Josh. They are available for free to anyone attending Massena Baptist Church.